I am so excited to be able to provide Cedar House Montessori Preschool with boutique fine art school portraits this year!
My goal is provide portraits that capture more than just a cheese smile from you kiddo, but a portrait that shows their personality. I am aiming to provide a more personal and less corporate experience.
You may be wondering…
What exactly is a fine art school portrait and why is it different than the average school photo?
Well, the goal of the fine art school portrait is to show case your amazing kids personality. No more distracting artificial backgrounds or all forced smiles. I encourage the kids to be themselves and don’t require them to smile.
The portraits are taken in a horizontal format different from your average school photo. You will also be able to purchase both color and black and white of each image.
If you would like to see examples of my school portraits you can go to my website www.amandaovena.com and navigate to the Boutique School Photography Page. This year the portraits will be outdoors weather permitting. We may move indoors if it is windy or rainy.
When will our portrait day be?
I will be at the school to photograph the children May 23rd this year.
What should my kid wear?
Try to avoid shirts with neon bright colors, distracting patterns as well as shirts with graphics. Keeping the shirts a solid color helps the focus stay on your child’s face. That being said, if your kid is all about neon and graphics, and you love that, send them as they are.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at: aovena@amandaovena.com
When will I be able to view my images?
Your child’s online gallery will be ready for viewing within two weeks of their school photo day. To receive their gallery, you must register through the form below, and the gallery will be sent to you.
You can register for KSCP’s galleries here: REGISTER TO RECEIVE YOUR GALLERY
You will receive an email with info on how to order. The class print photos will be available for purchase for the first two weeks only and the prints will be delivered to the school. So if you love class photos be sure to register now so you can get your order in as soon as the galleries go out.
Your child’s individual gallery will be available longer and will have multiple collections available for purchase.
How does ordering work?
You will receive a link via email to your child’s classroom gallery. From there you will be able to sign in to your child’s gallery and choose your images online.
There will be a minimum of 2 images per child, it does tend to be more than two since kids are so expressive and adorable.
You will get to see each image in color and black and white. You get to choose which images you want to have printed.
You can pick a package of prints for one image, single digital images, or the whole gallery.
The class school photo will only be available for 14 days after your school photos are delivered so please make sure to order your images as soon as possible. The school class photos will be delivered to the school for pick up.
This year all physical items except for the group class photo will be shipped to your address.
To see a detailed pricing list please visit my website: Pricing List
Please note: Collections are for ONE image. You cannot combine images in a package. You can buy more than one package or order additional pose prints from the a la carte list.
I look forward to meeting all your wonderful kiddos and photographing them so that you can have beautiful portraits to hang on your walls for years to come.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at:
Warm Regards,
Amanda Ovena